A terraced house a did at Woodseats. The client complained of damp coming through in patches and asked for patch pointing which I advised against. Its just not cost effective. You will only end up getting damp in other patches a year or so down the line so it makes much more sense to do the whole job one time. It looks better and protects better and is an investment further down the line when you come to sell. The amount of people who ring me that are either selling or buying who want me to take a look at the pointing. It really does help the sale of a house and gives the owner peace of mind.

Picture of the front ground out and ready to repoint

Starting to point the front

All the back ground out. All pipes removed and ground behind and all wires unclipped.

Close up of ground out brickwork to full depth.

Pictures of pointing before being cleaned

Back of house fully repointed. All pipes refitted.

Front of house Fully repointed all dead wires removed and the ones still being used reclipped to the wall. Ready for brick cleaner.

Front of house finished repointed and cleaned. Ready for the next one.

I did this one off a ladder. It is a bit more time consuming but it’s sometimes easier from a ladder than scaffold which is a bit intrusive on some houses.